Friday, October 2, 2009

Vini Viti Vino

viticulture- noun: the cultivation or culture of grapes especially for wine making

vinification- noun: the conversion of fruit juices (as grape juice) into wine by fermentation

vino- noun: a more romantic way of addressing your wine

OK, OK! Enough of the formal wine lingo. We have to start somewhere, you know!

I will try to keep it simple, but there are times I will have to throw in a little tech speak just so we can all sound like we know what we are talking about when visiting our local winery.
Don't be shy!
Wine tasting should not be intimidating, especially after a few samples! We are not wine snobs, we just really really like wine, and we LOVE to tell you about it!

(Just in case you haven't noticed yet, I have a very bad habit of over using exclaimation points. Believe it or not, I even go back and edit some out when I am done, life is just very intense at any given moment!)

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